Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I once met a host of Saturday Night Live.

He grew up in my hometown, The South Bronx of America.

His name was Ed Koch, the mayor of New York City.

I met him at a Manhattan playhouse where actress Miriam Colon drafted me to man the coat check counter, an unpaid job best reserved for girls (No, Miriam Dearest! Don’t browbeat me! I believe in equality! GET THAT COAT HANGER AWAY FROM ME!)

The Amazing Mister Ed came up and shook my hand with a joyful HOW I’M DOING!

Not too shabby.

He made my smile pack up and leave the borders of my thin face to La La Land.

King Koch had the common touch.

He made me forget the premise of the play he watched with a royal audience (that included Raul Julia*) was stolen from a guileless teenager, yours truly.

Call me The Puerto Rican of The Opera.

And now the story can be sung.

Payback’s a blog.

*I hugged Raul Julia as he smiled with childlike disbelief at a coatroom in chaos when an overhead rod snapped under the weight of mink coats that buried the 1%. He was a beautiful human being not far removed From Gomez Addams. And so was Uncle Eddie, who, I’m sure, could make a light bulb light up in his big mouth.


P.S: Miriam Colon is the founder of the world-renowned Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre. Among numerous stage and screen credits, she portrayed the suffering Cuban mother of Tony Montana as portrayed by Al Pacino who grew in The South Bronx of America.

Hey, Miriam, you want a play?

Say hello to my little pen.

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